Monday, December 27, 2010
Blizzards: Fun..until you can't skate for a week
tis' the season for.. bad weather. New York in general got slammed by a blizzard yesterday and from what I sense, the streets won't be skate-able for another week. You know its bad when you can walk down Broadway right in the street with no cars what so ever. I feel like my playground is being tainted for a week, I am in withdrawal I need that carve, that speed, that honk from the cabbie behind me, that feeling of landing a bigspin and a g-turn, I need to skate. I guess it was a bad idea to pick up a new board today with some of my xmas money (Earthwing Corchia, slide A wheels, 169 indie's)... so... tempted.. to.. skate. So stoked to skate with my tech slider too!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Perropro and Bustin rider Bruno come out to play in the city
Perropro is a group of riders from spain, I don't know a whole lot about them, but i do know that all of them shred the gnar. I met bruno about a month ago when Bustin was filming the mini maestro video. Bruno SHREDS, and the other guy that he skates with "Ra" is a monster. Last week Perropro came to skate in the city and this masterpiece was the result:
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Mini Maestro Review
The new mini maestro 32' is the latest edition to Bustin Boards. I picked a mini maestro deck at Bustin last weekend, took the randal 180 trucks off of my Maestro and slapped some purple stims on it. The mini maestro is my new favorite board in every aspect. The board is small, but not to small, perfect for pulling tight carves, and shredding down the Williamsburg bridge. Pushing comes effortless, and the speed is something else. The board has full concave, locking your feet in for when you are about to pull off a smooth standup, or a steezy big spin. Overall this board is made for all riders in mind, whether you just like to peacefully cruise, or carve hard and push fast through traffic, or land steezy no comply's bonelesses bigspins old school kickflips and varial flips, or all of the above, this board is meant for whoever is interested in riding it.
Here is a sneak peak of our new video featuring the mini maestro:
Here's my Mini (grip tape courtesy of Derek Kretzer and Paulie Connor):
For more information check out the board specs:
Here's the video put out by Bustin:
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Skating through the city at night; it brings back a lot of memories. While skating down 7th avenue to my friends house the song Memories by weezer comes on. I then find my self reminiscing of the summer skating with the busting crew in the unforgivable summer heat and how finding Bustin really changed my life. It was early august; Will and I had no idea what we were doing, all we wanted to do was find some kids to skate with and meet the Bustin Crew. So we took the M to Marcy Avenue, and had no clue where Grand street was, we had no idea where we were going, or where we actually were. So after stopping multiple hipsters on the street, we found it, we found the thing that would change our lives. That day was the greatest day of the year, in fact I wrote a blog about it: I just kept coming back, and back, and back, and back; skating working and chilling with some of the best skaters in the city. Bustin is home for me, it is where I can be me, make my self a better skater, and help other skaters around me, and I can learn.. just about anything. This summer really changed my life. It was early August, I took the train, now I skate both ways, I thought Ryan was a god, now he's just a chill skater to me like everyone else, and I rode an Original, now I will ride Bustin till I die, I had never skated with the Kings, now Steezy D and Alex Hall are NYC Longboarding riders and we are on the verge of being sponsored.
Man I miss summer. Thank you Bustin, for everything.
Man I miss summer. Thank you Bustin, for everything.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Sergi's new vid
Paulie Connor on his mini maestro and Mike G on the loaded dancer shredding down broadway
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Steezy's New Maestro.. Concrete Kings Style
Stopped by the Longboard loft yesterday to pick up some xmas stuff, and came across Steezy D's new Meastro courtesy of King Solomon
Check it out
so steeezy
Check it out
so steeezy
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Longboard Loft NYC
The Bustin flagship store in Williamsburg recently became the Longboard Loft NYC. This is not just a name change for the store, it is still Bustin, but more options SO MANY OPTIONS! The Longboard Loft carries the greatest products in the industry from record breaking speed wheels, to precision trucks, to incredible decks, and even OUR NYC LONGBOARDING tee's which are flying out of the door. Looking for a good setup for you riding style? Longboard Loft not only carries the greatest products on the market, but the employees can answer almost any question that you have and give you some killer tips.
for more info check out the site:
the beginning:
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
New Team Member David Steezy D Yang
NYC Longboarding welcomes Steezy D to the team, and he will be featured in the new video which will be up soon!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Apex 37 2011
The release of the new Apex has brought a lot of stoke, a lot of eager riders out there, including me. I got the pleasure of riding the board when I met the crew at the bomb, it's a really beautiful board, and the crew shreds on it. But for you eager riders out there, it may be a long wait because I can tell that this board is going to be a popular one.
Check out the new videos:
for more info check the site out:
Check out the new videos:
for more info check the site out:
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
two new boards
over the course of this weekend, I added two more boards to my push arsenal.
"The original pioneers were hybrid skaters – short-board riders who found that if they put some bigger and/or softer wheels on their board, they could get there faster."
I can really relate to this statement, because that was me. I was originally a short board rider, but I did not like the aspect that it was slow, and your wheels would be so hard that you could feel every little spec of street underneath you. Awhile ago I got rid of my shortboad because it was a piece of crap, but I took my brothers nice one with some independant trucks, and slapped some stimulus wheels on it, and I was stoked to ride. The next day I skated to my friends house and it was a great push board, and went surprisingly fast.
thank you theseus for giving me this deck for free! I was so stoked.
so after a couple weeks of sitting in my room, I finally got some 169 Independants and put some sectore nice race formula wheels that my friend gave me for free. I was stoked to ride the board after assembling it, but then found out that it got wheel bite. I will have to do some tweaking, but it should be ready to ride soon.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Adrenalina News. New York Brings It HOME
Read more about NYC domination:,0,1552039.story
Read more about NYC domination:,0,1552039.story
Friday, November 5, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
This weekend may have been one of the greatest weekends of my life. Yesterday was the broadway bomb, unfortuantly i could not skate in it due to some uncooperative and a soccer game, but I was able to go to the bbq and skate session after. Little did I know that all the people that I ever wanted to meet were there, including the Original Skateboards crew. I talked to all of them including Brian Bishop, Scott Imbrie, one of their camera guys, and petter ( WHO IS INSANE!). I told them our story, and how they have inspired me and Will, their style, there creativity, and their idea. It was an amazing experience having a session with all of these amazing longboarders like scott, brian, and petter, and some of my other friends. It was one of the greatest sessions ever, but the original crew all made us look like crap, but its all good because they are really nice and cool. I also got a FREE gravity deck from Thesius!. Im pretty excited to play around with that. The day was topped of with a party at bustin and a nice little session and chillout.
Today Will and I skated with the Kings around Central Park, and then we took over 5th avenue to Union Square. I skated over to the shop with most of the Kings, and chilled their. Ryan (The mastermind behind Bustin) told me that they have sold multiple NYC Longboarding shirts, and I was super stoked to hear that. While talking to Ryan, Michael Brooke, the publisher and editor of Concrete Wave came up to me and asked me about NYC Lognboarding, I told him the NYC Longboarding story and how Will and I got into skating. He talked to us about mabye being featured in Fresh Paved, and I was REALLY STOKED!. More news on that to come.
NYC Longboarding will also be doing a project with a great photographer Julian Thomas More news on that to come as well.
Here Are some of his pics from this weekend:
Today Will and I skated with the Kings around Central Park, and then we took over 5th avenue to Union Square. I skated over to the shop with most of the Kings, and chilled their. Ryan (The mastermind behind Bustin) told me that they have sold multiple NYC Longboarding shirts, and I was super stoked to hear that. While talking to Ryan, Michael Brooke, the publisher and editor of Concrete Wave came up to me and asked me about NYC Lognboarding, I told him the NYC Longboarding story and how Will and I got into skating. He talked to us about mabye being featured in Fresh Paved, and I was REALLY STOKED!. More news on that to come.
NYC Longboarding will also be doing a project with a great photographer Julian Thomas More news on that to come as well.
Here Are some of his pics from this weekend:
(Me Rockin the shirt and stoked about my gravity ahahahah)
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Originals New go longboard video just came out. whoever says its boring. watch again.
Really good filming good editing and awesome skating.
Really good filming good editing and awesome skating.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Say it aint so
sad sad news. today someone stole my board outside of Bustin. I frantically searched around the shop to see if i had left it in there, but i realized the sad and messed up truth that someone had taken my board. Sick to my stomach, I thought what I would do without it, my mind was in circles, I couldn't imagine life without my board, it was my life. After a couple hours, with a little hessitance bought a Maestro (thanks dad.) I was only hesitant because I had never ridden anything other than original boards before, and was a little worried that the ride would be totally different. But no, I got on it and probably shredded down grand Street better than ive ever shredded down it ever before. Although Im REALLY sad I no longer have my board, Bustin opened there arms to me and welcomed me to their family.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Keeping NYC Longboarding funky
Uncle Funky's is a small longboard shop in the west village. They carry tons of completes, decks, trucks, and wheels. Today me and Will went to the shop to show them so of our tee-z, and they bought 5!
Be sure to check out the shop at 39 carmine street, ring #R1
Be sure to check out the shop at 39 carmine street, ring #R1
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Push Culture Longboarding: A little bit of Bathrobe - Original
New Push culture video entry for the bustin contest, here it is!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
NYC Push Culture: Fabrika Productions
2 really chill videos that include NYC push culture during october which includes the broadway bombs, and a couple other chill sessions.
spread the stoke
spread the stoke
Friday, August 13, 2010
ThisIsPushCulture is a really chill website about longboarding culture. The site keeps you up to date with the newest events, decks, trucks, wheels, events, companys. Everything Push Culture everything longboarding.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
sick videos from a local filmer, and local riders. spread the stoke!
Monday, August 9, 2010
BOZ Boards
Just checkin out some deck shapes and designs, and came across BOZ Boards. Some sick shapes and decks.
Check em out:
For more decks and info visit the website:
Check em out:
For more decks and info visit the website:
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Awesome website. Awesome post. PushCulture
* this is the links writing, not mine
Pusher Bio’s
This came right off the Bustin Boards blog from the OG himself Ryan D. Not so much a bio as a PushCulture recap but here it is in his own words.
So I got up early, excited to spend some time at the shop alone before the guys showed up to open the store. These are my favorite times in there because I can go into mad scientist mode, print funky shop boards, work on prototype ideas, fix things in the store that have been secretly bugging me all week and other random things. Basically, I can just fiddle around with no defined agenda. My dad calls this ‘putsin’. Growing up I remember his favorite thing to do was go ‘putsin” around in the barn. Usually he would emerge Sunday afternoon with something cool that he made for my mom or an old civil war era tool that he had restored. I took to the ‘putsin in the barn’ sport very young and a longboard company was eventually spawn in the same barn. I had my own section in the lower part of the barn where original boards are still hanging on the walls today along with the original ‘bustin’ shop sign.
Anyway, back to the story ten years later. So I’m putsin around our Brooklyn shop this morning and decided I would throw a set of the new 2010 Bear Grizzly trucks on my Maestro. I had ridden the trucks some when we got the samples but until today have been content with the old Grizzlys I have on my board. I was working some on the component wall in the store and admiring the sexy new shape of the Bears when I decided it was time to snag myself a set. We recently got in a huge shipment so I felt comfortable that I wouldn’t be screwing up the inventory too bad (aka accountant Rob won’t be bustin my balls too bad for stealing inventory). While I was at it I noticed we needed a Maestro for the Demo Rack at the store so I decided to go ahead and retire my original Maestro as the Demo and print myself up a new one. We changed the drop-thru cutout on the recent batch to fit a few more truck brands and I figured it couldn’t hurt to break out a freshy board for myself to celebrate Memorial Day. So I printed one up real simple like I like it and threw it together with the new trucks and my super perfectly broken-in 75mm Boca wheels and Swiss bearings.
It was by this time 11:30 and I had a half hour before the store opened so I jumped on the board and ripped around a brunch lively Brooklyn. Immediately I couldnt believe how butter the setup was. The carve and rebound was so much smoother than before. I felt like I could turn on a dime and the rail-to-rail motion was so smooth and predictable. I skated right up til 11:55 before barreling up to the shop door to find a friendly fellow from Madrid waiting at the door. He was a Dervish rider in Spain and was sent to our shop by his girlfriend who wanted a Spliff. We talked for a while about the Spliff, then about how sick the Loaded Dervish is, then about Spain and then forever about the World Cup (watch out for Spain next month!). Finally, he sent his girlfriend some pictures of the Spliff special editions we currently have in the shop and waited for a reply on her choice. I casually mentioned that he was welcome to take one of the Demo boards out while he waited and quickly reneged… i said “no wait you gotta take my board if your going out”. He went out for about 5 minutes and came back wide-eyed and a bit concerned. “I have to have one today, please tell me that you have one to sell me” he said.
After gripping and setting one up for him, I thanked him for coming and passed him off to Mike and Solomon to coordinate the Spliff purchase. I had a very specific game plan for this weekend and wanted to be home by 1 so I could begin work on my computer. I’m leaving next week for my wedding and honeymoon and have a long list of tasks, mostly web updates, video logging and design stuff, that I need to knock out before I leave the shop for a month. My fiance has already gone to Maryland too coordinate last minute wedding stuff (don’t ask me??) and I so I’m home alone for a long weekend to do my work. PERFECT. I was looking forward to sitting at home in the air conditioning jamming the music as I photoshoped a few ads, tweak a few web pages, logged a few hours of footage for our CW video, etc etc etc. I love that stuff, enjoying a string of uninterrupted design work days is a Top 5 for me. You can really get your wheels turning and produce some quality work. In heaven I think I’ll have the baddest Mac Pro available and be allowed to sit in a quiet room for weeks on end playing with Bustin Boards projects. This long weekend had heavenly potential.
So that WAS the plan before I jumped on my new board to go home. As soon as I hit the streets of Manhattan I began worrying that I wouldn’t make it home today. Not only was the board as fast and liquid as any longboard I’ve ever ridden, but the weather was beautiful and the city was alive. Almost zero wind, about 75 degrees and sunny. With every push I realized I was not, in fact, going home to work in the air conditioning. I skated from Brooklyn to the West Side of Manhattan (a trip that normally sort of wears me out) and when I got there I just couldn’t get off the board. I cut south down to Houston street and just rolled with the flow, weaving through tourists, pushing through yellow lights and having the recurring thought that I’d never had so much fun longboarding. I ended up passing my old apartment building on Thompson street and stopped to snap a picture of my board in front of Generation Records. When I first moved to NYC, these were my stomping grounds and it was cool to rip the old streets on the new board. I dropped out of the village and proceeded to skate aimlessly for the rest of the afternoon having the time of my life and effectively destroying my plan to be productive. And there you have it, hours and hours of critical productive design work wasted on my skate addiction.
* this is the links writing, not mine
Pusher Bio’s
This came right off the Bustin Boards blog from the OG himself Ryan D. Not so much a bio as a PushCulture recap but here it is in his own words.
So I got up early, excited to spend some time at the shop alone before the guys showed up to open the store. These are my favorite times in there because I can go into mad scientist mode, print funky shop boards, work on prototype ideas, fix things in the store that have been secretly bugging me all week and other random things. Basically, I can just fiddle around with no defined agenda. My dad calls this ‘putsin’. Growing up I remember his favorite thing to do was go ‘putsin” around in the barn. Usually he would emerge Sunday afternoon with something cool that he made for my mom or an old civil war era tool that he had restored. I took to the ‘putsin in the barn’ sport very young and a longboard company was eventually spawn in the same barn. I had my own section in the lower part of the barn where original boards are still hanging on the walls today along with the original ‘bustin’ shop sign.
Anyway, back to the story ten years later. So I’m putsin around our Brooklyn shop this morning and decided I would throw a set of the new 2010 Bear Grizzly trucks on my Maestro. I had ridden the trucks some when we got the samples but until today have been content with the old Grizzlys I have on my board. I was working some on the component wall in the store and admiring the sexy new shape of the Bears when I decided it was time to snag myself a set. We recently got in a huge shipment so I felt comfortable that I wouldn’t be screwing up the inventory too bad (aka accountant Rob won’t be bustin my balls too bad for stealing inventory). While I was at it I noticed we needed a Maestro for the Demo Rack at the store so I decided to go ahead and retire my original Maestro as the Demo and print myself up a new one. We changed the drop-thru cutout on the recent batch to fit a few more truck brands and I figured it couldn’t hurt to break out a freshy board for myself to celebrate Memorial Day. So I printed one up real simple like I like it and threw it together with the new trucks and my super perfectly broken-in 75mm Boca wheels and Swiss bearings.
It was by this time 11:30 and I had a half hour before the store opened so I jumped on the board and ripped around a brunch lively Brooklyn. Immediately I couldnt believe how butter the setup was. The carve and rebound was so much smoother than before. I felt like I could turn on a dime and the rail-to-rail motion was so smooth and predictable. I skated right up til 11:55 before barreling up to the shop door to find a friendly fellow from Madrid waiting at the door. He was a Dervish rider in Spain and was sent to our shop by his girlfriend who wanted a Spliff. We talked for a while about the Spliff, then about how sick the Loaded Dervish is, then about Spain and then forever about the World Cup (watch out for Spain next month!). Finally, he sent his girlfriend some pictures of the Spliff special editions we currently have in the shop and waited for a reply on her choice. I casually mentioned that he was welcome to take one of the Demo boards out while he waited and quickly reneged… i said “no wait you gotta take my board if your going out”. He went out for about 5 minutes and came back wide-eyed and a bit concerned. “I have to have one today, please tell me that you have one to sell me” he said.
After gripping and setting one up for him, I thanked him for coming and passed him off to Mike and Solomon to coordinate the Spliff purchase. I had a very specific game plan for this weekend and wanted to be home by 1 so I could begin work on my computer. I’m leaving next week for my wedding and honeymoon and have a long list of tasks, mostly web updates, video logging and design stuff, that I need to knock out before I leave the shop for a month. My fiance has already gone to Maryland too coordinate last minute wedding stuff (don’t ask me??) and I so I’m home alone for a long weekend to do my work. PERFECT. I was looking forward to sitting at home in the air conditioning jamming the music as I photoshoped a few ads, tweak a few web pages, logged a few hours of footage for our CW video, etc etc etc. I love that stuff, enjoying a string of uninterrupted design work days is a Top 5 for me. You can really get your wheels turning and produce some quality work. In heaven I think I’ll have the baddest Mac Pro available and be allowed to sit in a quiet room for weeks on end playing with Bustin Boards projects. This long weekend had heavenly potential.
So that WAS the plan before I jumped on my new board to go home. As soon as I hit the streets of Manhattan I began worrying that I wouldn’t make it home today. Not only was the board as fast and liquid as any longboard I’ve ever ridden, but the weather was beautiful and the city was alive. Almost zero wind, about 75 degrees and sunny. With every push I realized I was not, in fact, going home to work in the air conditioning. I skated from Brooklyn to the West Side of Manhattan (a trip that normally sort of wears me out) and when I got there I just couldn’t get off the board. I cut south down to Houston street and just rolled with the flow, weaving through tourists, pushing through yellow lights and having the recurring thought that I’d never had so much fun longboarding. I ended up passing my old apartment building on Thompson street and stopped to snap a picture of my board in front of Generation Records. When I first moved to NYC, these were my stomping grounds and it was cool to rip the old streets on the new board. I dropped out of the village and proceeded to skate aimlessly for the rest of the afternoon having the time of my life and effectively destroying my plan to be productive. And there you have it, hours and hours of critical productive design work wasted on my skate addiction.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Bustin NYC the place to be
Today Will and I headed over to brooklyn to visit the Bustin shop. We walk into the shop, and it is heaven, stacked with boards, wheels, trucks, shirts, everything Push Culture NYC and Longboarding. We are greeted by Solomon (the chillest guy ever), after talking about whats been going on recently, and recent sessions, Solomon offers to give us a tour of the shop, we see the backyard, where they have cookouts, chill, and watch movies, he shows us where all of the art work goes down, and where they build and design the decks, we even got to meet the founder of Bustin. I knew after that, that today was going to be an amazing day. We then work at the shop, putting some gear on the wall, and helping out with the site. After some work, we had an amazing session with some of the guys working at the shop. To top off an amazing day, Will and I decided to pass on the train, and bomb the Williamsburg bridge back into the city. Summer 2010, bustin is the place to be. no F*ck that, everyday 24/7 Bustin is the place to be.
Check out some pictures from our day:
Check out some pictures from our day:
*Sorry I dont have pics from the sessions or the williamsburg bomb my camera ran out of baterry. but the shop should be enough. this place is freakn awesome
Monday, August 2, 2010
Push Culture Longboarding - Landyachtz, Original, Loaded, and Longboard Larry
This is our friend Connors entry for the Bustin Push Culture Contest. two words: freakn amazing.
Check it out:
Push Culture Longboarding - Landyachtz, Original, Loaded, and Longboard Larry from Connor Hughes on Vimeo.
Check it out:
Push Culture Longboarding - Landyachtz, Original, Loaded, and Longboard Larry from Connor Hughes on Vimeo.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
bustin competition video in editing stage
we have started our video for the bustin competition, and it will be done shortly.
If you want to enter heres where to go:
If you want to enter heres where to go:
Sunday, July 11, 2010
night session at washington square park: derringer 28
Friday I got my new derringer 28. I didn't order the complete, but i got the deck, and put my old s6's on and my retros zigs.
The derringer 28 is now my new favorite board. This board may be small, but it performs big. With s6's and retro zigs you can do some nice slides, and sick surf monouvers. Whats also cool about the derringer 28 is that it works as cruiser, and is a perfect board for the city.
So today I took my first ride on my new board at washington square park, which is not far from my house at all. The park is an amazing place for an evening session, their is the background of the beautiful fountain, and you are surrounded by New York culture, longboarding around the park was amazing, because all of the culture was in the air, and that makes skating in the park so much more fun and interesting.
The derringer 28 is now my new favorite board. This board may be small, but it performs big. With s6's and retro zigs you can do some nice slides, and sick surf monouvers. Whats also cool about the derringer 28 is that it works as cruiser, and is a perfect board for the city.
So today I took my first ride on my new board at washington square park, which is not far from my house at all. The park is an amazing place for an evening session, their is the background of the beautiful fountain, and you are surrounded by New York culture, longboarding around the park was amazing, because all of the culture was in the air, and that makes skating in the park so much more fun and interesting.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Surf Skate Longboard
Surf Skate Longboard is a really chill blog, basically about the same stuff that we do. But I especially like them because of their surf style skating focus. We are looking forward to team up with them and or make a video together.
Check them out:
Check them out:
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
NYC Longboarding: Documents
It has been a while since we have madE new videos, and since it is summer i realized that I will probably be going to places other than NYC, these places will still be in New York State, but Not the city. I will be bringing my board to all of these places, and every place that I ride, i will take pictures, or take some scratch videos, and post them on the blog.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Video Contest From Bustin: NYC Longboarding is going to have some fun this summer
Push Culture Longboarding - The Video Contest Starts Now
By Ryan | June 8, 2010
At Bustin Boards Brooklyn we develop boards for Push Culture longboarding in New York City. What does this mean? It means we use our boards for everything from getting to work to going to concerts and we almost never use cars. Living in the city, every skate is an adventure and no two rides are the same. There is Point A and Point B, but what matters is life in between. Where do you skate to and from? This contest is for you to show off your version of longboard commuting in style and show the world how you live life one skate at a time.
Here is the deal. The theme of the video should be “My Push Culture”. Choose a Point A and a Point B and make a video showing the thrill of the line in between. You can do tricks, you can do speed, you can do sliding, you can do off-road, its YOUR commute and its your life, JUST MAKE IT FUN. The winners will be the people who get the most creative during their commute and capture it the best.
DUE DATE: August 1st
1. Video should be roughly one minute long, give or take.
2. The rest is your call, but the general rule of thumb is “make it interesting”. We don’t care if you jump off your board to help an old lady cross the street or ride off a dock at the end, but please don’t just hold a camera and skate down the road filming your wheels. Take some tips from the links below and really get into it, YOU HAVE TWO MONTHS!
3. You DO NOT have to ride a Bustin longboard, you just have to love longboarding. The winners will be those who make us wish we could skate their town, not necessarily their board.
-The first place winner can customize a FREE MAESTRO DECK and set it up with their choice of TRUCKS and WHEELS (with standard abec7 bearings and hardware).
-Second and third place win a set of Boca wheels (your choice of size).
-Fourth place gets a Bustin hoodie (any size, any color).
-Upload your video to your personal youtube account with the title “Push Culture Longboarding: [your board model]“. For example “Push Culture Longboarding: Bustin Strike”. In the description for your video please also link back to this blog post so that viewers will be able to vote on your video by leaving a comment below.
-We would like to hear what people think of the videos. Make sure to put the link to this blog post in your video description so that people can comment here on your video. Also, feel free to leave a comment announcing your video and giving us some background where you skate and why you love Push Culture Longboarding. The winners will be chosen by the Bustin Boards staff and announced in early August. We will also feature the winner videos on our homepage and blog.
By Ryan | June 8, 2010
At Bustin Boards Brooklyn we develop boards for Push Culture longboarding in New York City. What does this mean? It means we use our boards for everything from getting to work to going to concerts and we almost never use cars. Living in the city, every skate is an adventure and no two rides are the same. There is Point A and Point B, but what matters is life in between. Where do you skate to and from? This contest is for you to show off your version of longboard commuting in style and show the world how you live life one skate at a time.
Here is the deal. The theme of the video should be “My Push Culture”. Choose a Point A and a Point B and make a video showing the thrill of the line in between. You can do tricks, you can do speed, you can do sliding, you can do off-road, its YOUR commute and its your life, JUST MAKE IT FUN. The winners will be the people who get the most creative during their commute and capture it the best.
DUE DATE: August 1st
1. Video should be roughly one minute long, give or take.
2. The rest is your call, but the general rule of thumb is “make it interesting”. We don’t care if you jump off your board to help an old lady cross the street or ride off a dock at the end, but please don’t just hold a camera and skate down the road filming your wheels. Take some tips from the links below and really get into it, YOU HAVE TWO MONTHS!
3. You DO NOT have to ride a Bustin longboard, you just have to love longboarding. The winners will be those who make us wish we could skate their town, not necessarily their board.
-The first place winner can customize a FREE MAESTRO DECK and set it up with their choice of TRUCKS and WHEELS (with standard abec7 bearings and hardware).
-Second and third place win a set of Boca wheels (your choice of size).
-Fourth place gets a Bustin hoodie (any size, any color).
-Upload your video to your personal youtube account with the title “Push Culture Longboarding: [your board model]“. For example “Push Culture Longboarding: Bustin Strike”. In the description for your video please also link back to this blog post so that viewers will be able to vote on your video by leaving a comment below.
-We would like to hear what people think of the videos. Make sure to put the link to this blog post in your video description so that people can comment here on your video. Also, feel free to leave a comment announcing your video and giving us some background where you skate and why you love Push Culture Longboarding. The winners will be chosen by the Bustin Boards staff and announced in early August. We will also feature the winner videos on our homepage and blog.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
The Origins.
Three and a half months a go me and my friend will came together and formed NYC Longboarding, our goal was to get sponsored by Original Skateboards, we filmed videos, made our own designs for tee shirts tee-shirts, but after a month of waiting to hear back comments, or letters about our sponsor video, we lost hope. But we did see hope in something else, we were spreading push culture through NYC, hense the name "NYC Longboarding." I myself like to longboard because it is the closest i have to surfing, and being in the water, I like to take surf style, and put it in my longboarding. My friend Will wanted a longboard, and sure enough two days after he got one, it came naturally to him. We are not unpopular kids, but people find it funny and weird that we longboard "you only longboard because you can't skate." Some of this statement is true, I am not incredible on a skateboard, but that is not the reason longboard. I longboard because it is fun and relaxing, and once again, the closest thing I have to surfing. Fast forward two and a half months, we just came out with our fifth video, and it is our best one yet, A week later I came across Bustin Boards, it was not the first time I had heard about them, but it was the first time I took full interest. I do only ride Original Skateboards, and it was not the boards that intrigued me about Bustin,It was their idea, their mentality. They to were just a bunch of chill guys who liked to longboard as well. Orignal skateboards had inspired me, but Bustin had intrigued me. A few days ago I was reading through the bustin blog, and I realized that they were doing the same thing, spreading push culture through NYC, of course they were doing a better job, because they had been doing it for years, but we had the same idea. Anyways, the reason I am writing this is because I wanted to say thanks to the people at bustin, and thanks for spreading, and helping me and the crew spread Push Culture throughout NYC.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Bustin and Original PLEASE TEAM UP!
Original Skateboards to me is undoubtibly the greatest longboard company ever, but i have also come to like Bustin, I enjoy their idea, their deck designs, and the fact that you are able to customize your own board. So I have been thinking lately, what would happen if you put original trucks on a bustin deck?

Thursday, May 27, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
pier 62 skate park: best thing that's happened to NYC
The New skate park which was once the old chelsea piers skatepark opened recently, and is freaking amazing. it includes a rail, a bowl, a snake run, ramps for nice little surf tricks and just about everything to have a flipn great time. Its some pretty hard core stuff so wear a helmet, and if you don't have on just watch out for the ball busting parks and recreation people.
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Monday, May 17, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
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