Friday, January 1, 2010

The Police

Once again, thank you NYPD for ruining my day..... AGAIN. a peaceful friday afternoon, I ride my board into the park,( recently i got my new board, Malakai 40 with s8's and 70 mil pink zigs. Its the best thing that happened to me in 2009, hopefully 2010 will bring me something better, but that will be hard to match.) After about 10 laps around the park, my feet are attached to the board, and Im riding on a concrete wave, a man in all green,(a park ranger),  sticks out his hand, i shake my head and think to my self. damn man, let me have some fun, Im not disturbing you, give me a break the city should give you something better to do than tell kids they cant have fun doing something harmless. I pick up my board in distress, and walk away, trying to keep myself from charging at the "officer"

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