Saturday, January 29, 2011

Surf Skate Longboard: Hybrid Freestyle

My boy Finley Wegener and the Surf Skate Longboard Crew shred it up in Queensland Australia

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Push Culture: We go Hard All year round

A couple of days ago I was coming home from school and there was a biker riding fast through traffic weaving in and out of traffic. Im not one for bikers, ever.. but this guy reminded me of summer days, when push culture was alive! we shredded hard through traffic and skated an easy 12 hours a day. So when I got home I made my facebook status "saw a biker speeding in traffic 2day weaving thru cars, im not one for bikers, but wehn summer comes, push culture les go" So I wait, and about 5 minutes later my friend Paulie Connor comments on my status " you gotta be shredding traffic year round eli. just watch for slush and bundle up" It occured to my lazy self that you can't wait till summer to skate all day, Push Culture goes all year around!  if the rodes are skateable one bit,: o degrees or 100 degrees we skate.

spread the stoke

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Summer memories and Origins of skaters

My friend Rayshawn Hogan Reminisces of summer skating:

"So... you wanna skate?" those four words changed my life. i use to skate just to get around it was my way of say "F*ck you MTA". anyway back to the story, a couple of weeks ago i let this guy ride my board for like 8secs and he swore he was going to get a longboard( bull shit right?) well 2 weeks later he buys one and what do you know? its better than mine lol. it was from some company named "Bustin". i never heard of them but what did i know i was new to the whole longboard thing. turns out the dudes name was Andy. he seemed pretty cool but we never chilled... until that day. i was skating and he sees me and calls me over, we greet each other and looks at me say " So... you wanna skate?". its funny how i was skating before him and he know how to slide already? and he keeps talking about this  "Bustin" place. i dont know thought ever snice i started skated with him we met some guys from a team. you might have heard of them "Earthwing" anyway they tell me that they dont like Bustin boards and their like pro from what im seeing so yea.... -__- so andy finally gets me to go with him to the shop, the first thing i remeber was this black dude with dreads from behind the counter. he gave me a great big cool aid smile and said "hey bro welcome to Bustin".... ok remember when i was like  Bustin cant be that great? well they shocked the hell out of me solomon ended up being my role model so to speak. everyone knew him ( im so serious i know a guy in Texas who knows him) hes mad cool and chill and on top of that thru skating hes made me look at life way differently. then their Criglar and DK. their artist lol. Dk is more of the chill laid back kind but Criglar?!? my first mistake was challenging him to a game of skate which i lost with the frist trick.  and who could forget  Mike Dallas? That dude has a insane push and with monster calves. any i met some other younger skaters too like David... he was the first person i saw cross step and shovit (i had to get better than him) then their was camilo dude had a apex 37... it was spring then Chris... he always had his yellow helmet. then the two twins jessie and adam. (would alway mix them up.) then max... first dude (besides david) who made me feel like shit when it came to skating and who was around my age. that aside i spent the summer with them and it was amazing. you would think skating all day and putting together boards is boring right? well you should be slap cause your wrong. from having a slide sessh at "The RIP" with earthwing or just chillen and skating in the city with the Bustin crew i had a amazing and time and 2011 summer is coming .... So... you wanna skate?oh and i didnt for get you Jeff, i just rather not talk about how u beat me in the race across the willy B 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Luis Domingo: as usual

Luis.. is insane

Sojourn v3 proto

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Repin Bustin while meetin Jersey Shore cast member Angelina

"look at you! your so cute in you little bustin sweatshirt"- Angelina

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

NYC Longboarding Team Rider David Steezy D Yang shredding it up

Steezy D shredding the gnar. check it out. flimed by Camilo Friedman

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Soccer Players, Natural Skaters?

I came across this video the other day about Adidas team rider Dennis Busenitz

As I saw how soccer was dennis' inspiration, an idea went through my head, 'are soccer players natural skaters?' Ryan Daughtridge the founder of Bustin played soccer, I play soccer and the feel of skating comes naturally, and Dennis Busenitz's shoe is completely inspired by soccer.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Broadway Bomb 2010 Original Video

Original Skateboards released their Broadway Bomb video today. Im in it and I am soooo stoked in it. I wrote a post that day about how high the stoke level was that day.

What a crazy and exciting year 2010 was for longboarding and me. Whatcha got 2011!